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    March 7, 2022
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wbormetmeglsite .com WEST BARNET SENIOR MEAL SITE pork, oven roosted potatoes, corn, salod, homemaode roll, cake. Pri, Mor. 11: Hom & wiss pie, Coli veggies, solod, home mode roll, bor cookie. If in-house dining i reinstoted serving at 11:30om, Suggested donations $4. FMI coll 802-633-4068 Wed., Mor. 9: Pulled BURKE MEAL SITE - Mon., Mor. 7: Boked chicken, moshed potatoes, green beans, vonille pudding. Wed., Mor. 9: Meafioof, moshed potetoes, peos & corrots, peonut butter cookies. Fri., Mor. 11: Sweet and sour pork, brown rice, broccoli, banano. Menu hems subject to chonge without nofice. In house meols served at Noon. Pleose coll by Yom to order a to go meal. DANVILLE MEAL SITE - TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS, the dining room will be ovailable for eoting your tokeout order Tue., Mar. 8: Mushroom/pepper quiche, soutted spinoch, qui noo, chicken vegetoble soup, mango mouse. Thurs, Mar. 10: Roost turkey & grony cronberry souce, sweet pototoes, coulifiower, cream of broccoli soup, homemode opple souce. Menus subject to chonge. Optionof scrombled eggs entre on request. Meols served wh homemode whole wheat breod. Coall by 9:30om the moming of o meal to oder "toke out eUNO INN SENIOR MEAL SITE Mon, Mar. 7i Hot homburg sandwich, grovy, moshed poloto, corn, breod, chocolate chip cookies. Tue., Mar. 8: Roast pork diener, moshed pototo, grovy, opplesouce, peos & corrots, rolls, buterscotch pudding Wed., Mar. 9: Homburg stroganof wimuthrooms & grovy over noodles, rolls. Col. blend veggies, impossible coconut pie wtop ping Thurs., Mor. 10: Shepherd's pie, cotoge cheese, Horvord beeh, rol, brownies. Fri, Mor. 11: Spoghetti w/meat souce, gorie bread. 3 beon solod, chocolote pudding whopping. FM: 802-626 8700, Dining room open on Mon. Mor. 7 JOIN THE SUMMERTIME MARCHING BANDI Al ore welcome. Flog bearers and wheelcheir musicions, too. Rehearsals one Sun doy a month at épm. For detoils coll: 603-638-4903 or 603-307- 9744 s on focebook. See us LYNDON AREA FOOD SHELF-Elm S. Lyndonvile, ia silopen every Wednesday ot 10pm for pre-bogged groceries to anyone in our oreal Questions to Deb: 626-3586 KINGDOM COMMUNITY SERVICES FOOD SHELF at 36 Stee ple Ploce, S Johnsbury is open Tes. and Thurs, noon to 345. 302-751-8581. We ore using ol necessory precoulions egoinst COVID19 ST. JOHNSBURY ATHENAUM- Open for business Lbrory & Gallery Monday-Friday 10am-Spm, Saturday 10om-3pm ond Closed Sundays FM: HOHNSBURY HISTORY& HERITAGE CENTER-Locoted ot ST. 421 Summer St., St. Johnsbury, VT (B02-424-1090 New exhibi on the suffrope movement ond prominent locol women. Foll/winter hours: Mon Wied., 10om-4pm, Oer. 5- May 1. Visit ww.shister Ti r preided cmplin ONFP Benefts Insurance Weath Management TO PET YOCR NvOTICE IN TNIS SPACE FOR OPROFTT EENTS, MAE FOR COFT TO NIE BON S, ST JOHNSBERY, VTs EMAILADDRESS PLEASE LIMIT TO 5 WORDS OR LESS SORRY, NO PHONE CALLS NOTICES MST BE RECEIVED BY THE THURSDAY PRIOR TO MONDAY INSERTION. GOOD LIVING SENIOR CENTER IN ST. JOHNSBURY - We ore open Please join in on the fun. Monday, 1-3pm - Bingo with refreshments. Tuesdoy ond Fridoy, Pom Arvitis Eeercise Group. Wednesday. Ipm - Cribboge. Thursdoy, 1-3pm - Just Havin Fun musical group. LEARN TO SQUARE DANCE-Wednesdays 79pm, Lyndonville. You will learn modem weslerm style squore dancing thet ollows ercise the body ond broin. Coll 626-3670 or 467-8621 for info. FAITH IN ACTION FOOD BANK - at 101 Main St, Lyndon- vile will be opened Thursday's ONLY from 10om-Spm, 802-626- ... . 1212. All ore welcome. COMMUNITY SUPPER-Served to the publc every net to the lost Tuesdoy of the month. 5-dpm, St. John's Church Holl, Moin S.. SL. Johnsbury. All gre welcome ST. JOHNSBURY'S HOUSING COMMITTEE meets the 2nd Fri doy of eoch month of 12:30pm, The meetings ore ourrently on the oom platform. The mission of this community-run commitee is "to support economic growh by improving the over all quolity of residentiol and commercial properties in S. Johnsbury" this com mittee has been meeting continuously since the Community Visit in 2015, We welicome community members to porticipote. Pleose contoc Joe Kosprzok at the St. Johnsbury Town Offce for the zoom link. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY UNIT 30 BARNYARD BIN- GO-Fri, Mor. 11, 6pm, Americon Legion Post 30, Lyndon, Vt COMMUNITY DISCUSSION GROUP-Help Norhern Counties Heolth Core leom obout community strengths, resources, service gops, and ideas to improve the heath of individuals in our com- munity. Mor 9. 5:30pm, Fairbonks Museum. for more info PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF BARNET -Come worship with ot 10om on Sundoys. Al ore welcomel Children's Sunday School starts bock on Morch 6 during weekly worship. Find out more at or on Focebook. FOANNUAL VITIRANS University, will loke ploce on Fri June 3 of NVU Lyndon. This event brings veterans, their fomilles, and veteran service orgonizotions together to build relationships, strength- en connections, and foster an enhanced support network in Vermont ond beyond. This yeor's event will feature a keynote by oword-winning outhor ond immoker Seboston Anger FM and to register by Mor. 31 reoch out to Kristen Eoston ot Yeterpa Summitt 802-825-4389. CALLING QUILTERS& BAKERS-All eges, all skl levels. Cre- afively express mople sugaring seoson, Fun contests. Lunenburg 15th Mople festivol Morch 26 exponded to hwo locotions this yeor FMI: visit or Chris 802-892-6654. BAKED BEAN & HAM TAKE-OUT DINNER - Mor. 19. Lyn- donville United Methodist Church. Boked beors, hom, coleslow, roll ond raspberry Sled cookies for $12. Please order by Mor. 17 by colling Donno, 626-9548, Ellen, 626-6084 or coll the church 626-5057 between 9-noon M.E SUMMIT hosted by Northern Vermont wbormetmeglsite .com WEST BARNET SENIOR MEAL SITE pork, oven roosted potatoes, corn, salod, homemaode roll, cake. Pri, Mor. 11: Hom & wiss pie, Coli veggies, solod, home mode roll, bor cookie. If in-house dining i reinstoted serving at 11:30om, Suggested donations $4. FMI coll 802-633-4068 Wed., Mor. 9: Pulled BURKE MEAL SITE - Mon., Mor. 7: Boked chicken, moshed potatoes, green beans, vonille pudding. Wed., Mor. 9: Meafioof, moshed potetoes, peos & corrots, peonut butter cookies. Fri., Mor. 11: Sweet and sour pork, brown rice, broccoli, banano. Menu hems subject to chonge without nofice. In house meols served at Noon. Pleose coll by Yom to order a to go meal. DANVILLE MEAL SITE - TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS, the dining room will be ovailable for eoting your tokeout order Tue., Mar. 8: Mushroom/pepper quiche, soutted spinoch, qui noo, chicken vegetoble soup, mango mouse. Thurs, Mar. 10: Roost turkey & grony cronberry souce, sweet pototoes, coulifiower, cream of broccoli soup, homemode opple souce. Menus subject to chonge. Optionof scrombled eggs entre on request. Meols served wh homemode whole wheat breod. Coall by 9:30om the moming of o meal to oder "toke out eUNO INN SENIOR MEAL SITE Mon, Mar. 7i Hot homburg sandwich, grovy, moshed poloto, corn, breod, chocolate chip cookies. Tue., Mar. 8: Roast pork diener, moshed pototo, grovy, opplesouce, peos & corrots, rolls, buterscotch pudding Wed., Mar. 9: Homburg stroganof wimuthrooms & grovy over noodles, rolls. Col. blend veggies, impossible coconut pie wtop ping Thurs., Mor. 10: Shepherd's pie, cotoge cheese, Horvord beeh, rol, brownies. Fri, Mor. 11: Spoghetti w/meat souce, gorie bread. 3 beon solod, chocolote pudding whopping. FM: 802-626 8700, Dining room open on Mon. Mor. 7 JOIN THE SUMMERTIME MARCHING BANDI Al ore welcome. Flog bearers and wheelcheir musicions, too. Rehearsals one Sun doy a month at épm. For detoils coll: 603-638-4903 or 603-307- 9744 s on focebook. See us LYNDON AREA FOOD SHELF-Elm S. Lyndonvile, ia silopen every Wednesday ot 10pm for pre-bogged groceries to anyone in our oreal Questions to Deb: 626-3586 KINGDOM COMMUNITY SERVICES FOOD SHELF at 36 Stee ple Ploce, S Johnsbury is open Tes. and Thurs, noon to 345. 302-751-8581. We ore using ol necessory precoulions egoinst COVID19 ST. JOHNSBURY ATHENAUM- Open for business Lbrory & Gallery Monday-Friday 10am-Spm, Saturday 10om-3pm ond Closed Sundays FM: HOHNSBURY HISTORY& HERITAGE CENTER-Locoted ot ST. 421 Summer St., St. Johnsbury, VT (B02-424-1090 New exhibi on the suffrope movement ond prominent locol women. Foll/winter hours: Mon Wied., 10om-4pm, Oer. 5- May 1. Visit ww.shister Ti r preided cmplin ONFP Benefts Insurance Weath Management TO PET YOCR NvOTICE IN TNIS SPACE FOR OPROFTT EENTS, MAE FOR COFT TO NIE BON S, ST JOHNSBERY, VTs EMAILADDRESS PLEASE LIMIT TO 5 WORDS OR LESS SORRY, NO PHONE CALLS NOTICES MST BE RECEIVED BY THE THURSDAY PRIOR TO MONDAY INSERTION. GOOD LIVING SENIOR CENTER IN ST. JOHNSBURY - We ore open Please join in on the fun. Monday, 1-3pm - Bingo with refreshments. Tuesdoy ond Fridoy, Pom Arvitis Eeercise Group. Wednesday. Ipm - Cribboge. Thursdoy, 1-3pm - Just Havin Fun musical group. LEARN TO SQUARE DANCE-Wednesdays 79pm, Lyndonville. You will learn modem weslerm style squore dancing thet ollows ercise the body ond broin. Coll 626-3670 or 467-8621 for info. FAITH IN ACTION FOOD BANK - at 101 Main St, Lyndon- vile will be opened Thursday's ONLY from 10om-Spm, 802-626- ... . 1212. All ore welcome. COMMUNITY SUPPER-Served to the publc every net to the lost Tuesdoy of the month. 5-dpm, St. John's Church Holl, Moin S.. SL. Johnsbury. All gre welcome ST. JOHNSBURY'S HOUSING COMMITTEE meets the 2nd Fri doy of eoch month of 12:30pm, The meetings ore ourrently on the oom platform. The mission of this community-run commitee is "to support economic growh by improving the over all quolity of residentiol and commercial properties in S. Johnsbury" this com mittee has been meeting continuously since the Community Visit in 2015, We welicome community members to porticipote. Pleose contoc Joe Kosprzok at the St. Johnsbury Town Offce for the zoom link. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY UNIT 30 BARNYARD BIN- GO-Fri, Mor. 11, 6pm, Americon Legion Post 30, Lyndon, Vt COMMUNITY DISCUSSION GROUP-Help Norhern Counties Heolth Core leom obout community strengths, resources, service gops, and ideas to improve the heath of individuals in our com- munity. Mor 9. 5:30pm, Fairbonks Museum. for more info PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF BARNET -Come worship with ot 10om on Sundoys. Al ore welcomel Children's Sunday School starts bock on Morch 6 during weekly worship. Find out more at or on Focebook. FOANNUAL VITIRANS University, will loke ploce on Fri June 3 of NVU Lyndon. This event brings veterans, their fomilles, and veteran service orgonizotions together to build relationships, strength- en connections, and foster an enhanced support network in Vermont ond beyond. This yeor's event will feature a keynote by oword-winning outhor ond immoker Seboston Anger FM and to register by Mor. 31 reoch out to Kristen Eoston ot Yeterpa Summitt 802-825-4389. CALLING QUILTERS& BAKERS-All eges, all skl levels. Cre- afively express mople sugaring seoson, Fun contests. Lunenburg 15th Mople festivol Morch 26 exponded to hwo locotions this yeor FMI: visit or Chris 802-892-6654. BAKED BEAN & HAM TAKE-OUT DINNER - Mor. 19. Lyn- donville United Methodist Church. Boked beors, hom, coleslow, roll ond raspberry Sled cookies for $12. Please order by Mor. 17 by colling Donno, 626-9548, Ellen, 626-6084 or coll the church 626-5057 between 9-noon M.E SUMMIT hosted by Northern Vermont

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