Incredible Summer End Blow Out C.R.P. Canadian Recyled Plastic Over 20,0oo pairs of boots, sandals and shoes in stock. Hiking Boots 20 % off FARM eWAY Outdoor Furniture Maintenance freeE Solar Co1 and Co;3 in stock colors Adirondack chairs 270.00 Patagonia Summer Clothing Sale 20-40% off HEHE patagonia In stock Kayaks and Canoes Stand up paddle boards 25-35% off L A Recliners and Sofas 25% off check our prices please | Summer Sandals 20-40% off DARN TOUGH State / Vermont Vermont Maple syrup quart $12.95 1/2 gal $23.95 Gallons $39.95 3lb Cabot Cheddar $11.99 Green Mountain Coffee 24 ct k-cup $11.99 MAPLECabA SYRUF 286 Waits River Rd Bradford, VT 800-22-9316 Monday-Saturday 830-530 riday night ti8PM Cosed Sundays and Iabor Day Plenty of fre parking