Introducing Alberto Perez, MD FACP FACMT with a special interest in: Emergency Medicine Dr. Perez attended medical school at the Universidad Anahuac in Mexico City, Mexico. His medical training included a three year Residency in Traumatology and Emergency Medicine at the Universily of Connecticut and then a fellowship in Medical Toxicology, Department of Traumatology and Emergency Medicine at Hartford Hospital/University of Connecticut Health Center. Dr. Perez has extensive experience in Emergency Med- icine and Toxicology and has been an Assistant Clinical Professor since 2004 at the University of Connecticut's Department of Emergency Medicine and their Medical Emergency Department Student Site Director since 2008. In addifion, we are Dr. Perez has joined the staff in the North Country Hospital proud to announce that Dr. Perez is the new Medical Director for our Emergency Department and is trilingual. Newport, VT 05855 189 Prouty Drive Comprehensive emergency services and urgent care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Married for 27 years to his wife Marie-Joseé, they have three teenage daughters. Dr. Perez likes to ski and golf, but his number one passion is doing triathlons, even complet- ing the fronman competition several times. For more information, please call: (802) 334-7900 If you have a medical emergency please dial 9-1-1. Dry Perez officially began work in the North Couniry Emergency Depaifhent on October 1st and we extend him a very warm welcomel 189 Prouty Drive Newport, VT 05855 802 334 | 7331 North Country Hospital Where caring runs deep. Introducing Alberto Perez, MD FACP FACMT with a special interest in: Emergency Medicine Dr. Perez attended medical school at the Universidad Anahuac in Mexico City, Mexico. His medical training included a three year Residency in Traumatology and Emergency Medicine at the Universily of Connecticut and then a fellowship in Medical Toxicology, Department of Traumatology and Emergency Medicine at Hartford Hospital/University of Connecticut Health Center. Dr. Perez has extensive experience in Emergency Med- icine and Toxicology and has been an Assistant Clinical Professor since 2004 at the University of Connecticut's Department of Emergency Medicine and their Medical Emergency Department Student Site Director since 2008. In addifion, we are Dr. Perez has joined the staff in the North Country Hospital proud to announce that Dr. Perez is the new Medical Director for our Emergency Department and is trilingual. Newport, VT 05855 189 Prouty Drive Comprehensive emergency services and urgent care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Married for 27 years to his wife Marie-Joseé, they have three teenage daughters. Dr. Perez likes to ski and golf, but his number one passion is doing triathlons, even complet- ing the fronman competition several times. For more information, please call: (802) 334-7900 If you have a medical emergency please dial 9-1-1. Dry Perez officially began work in the North Couniry Emergency Depaifhent on October 1st and we extend him a very warm welcomel 189 Prouty Drive Newport, VT 05855 802 334 | 7331 North Country Hospital Where caring runs deep.