ST. JOHNSBURY JOB FAIR - Looking for work? 45+ businesses and training providers, some conducting on the spot interviews. Leave with your new jobl Friday, April 17, 9am-2pm, St. Johnsbury School; SURVIVORS OF ABUSE - Supporting individuals who have experi- enced intimate partner violence or sexual violence. 802-748-8645. WEST BARNET SENIOR MEAL SITE - Wed., April 1: Chicken & bis- cuits, California veggies, salod, cranberry sauce, apple cake. Fri., April 3: Roast pork, mashed potatoes, salad, applesauce, roll, banana pud- ding. Takeout requests should be phoned in by 10:30am - 802-633- 4068. Pick Up Times: 11:30am-12:30pm. VERMONT RECOVERY NETWORK has a hotline for people struggling with substance use or if a family member needs some to talk to. Open from 9am-9pm, every day. 802-808-8877. SENIOR MEAL SITES - Both Darling Inn (Lyndonville) and St. Johnsbury House (St. Johnsbury) have suspended their meals until further notice. FOOD INSECURE? Need information on services? Call HOPEAT 802- 626-3228 or email: NORTHEAST KINGDOM COUNCIL ON AGING - Leam about Meals on Wheels for Caledonia, Essex and Orleans counties at 1-800-642-5119. GOOD LIVING SENIOR CENTER located at 1207 Main St., St. Johnsbury (St. Johnsbury House) is not holding regularly scheduled activities at this time, due to COVID-19 virus. For more information, please call 802-748- 8470, and leave a message. All calls will receive a reply. This space provided compliments of: ONFP Benefits Insurance Wealth Management TO PUT YOUR NOTICE IN THIS SPACE FOR NON-PROFIT EVENTS, MAIL YOUR COPY TO: NFP, BOX 4509, ST. JOHNSBURY, VT 05819. E-MAIL ADDRESS: info@ PLEASE LIMIT TO 35 WORDS OR LESS. SORRY, NO PHONE CALLS. NOTICES MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE THURSDAY PRIOR TO MONDAY INSERTION. FAITH IN ACTION - While the offices are closed to the general public, community members in the Lyndonville area who need food can call to arrange for pick-up or if needed, delivery: 802-626-1212. www.faithin UCCC ST. JOHNSBURY ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION EXERCISE PRO- GRAM is suspended until further notice. ST. JOHNSBURY ATHENAEUM is closed until further notice. Pick-up serv- ices available Monday through Saturday. Call 802-748-8291 for more in- formation. NATIONAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE - 800-799-7233; OR text LOVEIS at 22522 FALL PREVENTION TAI CHI - BARTON and PEACHAM meetings are sus- pended until further notice. CHILD ABUSE - If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, call 1-800-649-5285 to report it 24 /7. If a child is in immediate danger, dial 911 or the local police first. VT HELPLINK is a statewide, public resource for connecting Vermonters with the substance use treatment and recovery services they need. Avail- able to the public April 2020. Visit www.VTHelplink,org or call 802-565- 5465. 8am-10pm, Monday through Friday; 8am-ópm weekends/holidays. NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND POISON CONTROL CENTER - Find help, 24/7. 800-222-1222 ST. JOHNSBURY JOB FAIR - Looking for work? 45+ businesses and training providers, some conducting on the spot interviews. Leave with your new jobl Friday, April 17, 9am-2pm, St. Johnsbury School; SURVIVORS OF ABUSE - Supporting individuals who have experi- enced intimate partner violence or sexual violence. 802-748-8645. WEST BARNET SENIOR MEAL SITE - Wed., April 1: Chicken & bis- cuits, California veggies, salod, cranberry sauce, apple cake. Fri., April 3: Roast pork, mashed potatoes, salad, applesauce, roll, banana pud- ding. Takeout requests should be phoned in by 10:30am - 802-633- 4068. Pick Up Times: 11:30am-12:30pm. VERMONT RECOVERY NETWORK has a hotline for people struggling with substance use or if a family member needs some to talk to. Open from 9am-9pm, every day. 802-808-8877. SENIOR MEAL SITES - Both Darling Inn (Lyndonville) and St. Johnsbury House (St. Johnsbury) have suspended their meals until further notice. FOOD INSECURE? Need information on services? Call HOPEAT 802- 626-3228 or email: NORTHEAST KINGDOM COUNCIL ON AGING - Leam about Meals on Wheels for Caledonia, Essex and Orleans counties at 1-800-642-5119. GOOD LIVING SENIOR CENTER located at 1207 Main St., St. Johnsbury (St. Johnsbury House) is not holding regularly scheduled activities at this time, due to COVID-19 virus. For more information, please call 802-748- 8470, and leave a message. All calls will receive a reply. This space provided compliments of: ONFP Benefits Insurance Wealth Management TO PUT YOUR NOTICE IN THIS SPACE FOR NON-PROFIT EVENTS, MAIL YOUR COPY TO: NFP, BOX 4509, ST. JOHNSBURY, VT 05819. E-MAIL ADDRESS: info@ PLEASE LIMIT TO 35 WORDS OR LESS. SORRY, NO PHONE CALLS. NOTICES MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE THURSDAY PRIOR TO MONDAY INSERTION. FAITH IN ACTION - While the offices are closed to the general public, community members in the Lyndonville area who need food can call to arrange for pick-up or if needed, delivery: 802-626-1212. www.faithin UCCC ST. JOHNSBURY ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION EXERCISE PRO- GRAM is suspended until further notice. ST. JOHNSBURY ATHENAEUM is closed until further notice. Pick-up serv- ices available Monday through Saturday. Call 802-748-8291 for more in- formation. NATIONAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE - 800-799-7233; OR text LOVEIS at 22522 FALL PREVENTION TAI CHI - BARTON and PEACHAM meetings are sus- pended until further notice. CHILD ABUSE - If you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, call 1-800-649-5285 to report it 24 /7. If a child is in immediate danger, dial 911 or the local police first. VT HELPLINK is a statewide, public resource for connecting Vermonters with the substance use treatment and recovery services they need. Avail- able to the public April 2020. Visit www.VTHelplink,org or call 802-565- 5465. 8am-10pm, Monday through Friday; 8am-ópm weekends/holidays. NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND POISON CONTROL CENTER - Find help, 24/7. 800-222-1222