QUALITY MITSUBISHI $ SUZUKI SERVICE 1-91 EXIT 22 ROUTE5 ST. JOHNSBURY, VT CENTER FemE Dai Ct Servi er. Ns P. Sere Manapr KNman Servi FREE IN-TOWN PICK-UP & DELIVERY WE SELL TIRES! Oil Change Purchase 4 Oil Changes Get the 5" Öne FREE! SYNTHETIC OIL CHANGE NOW $5995 Up to 5 Quarts of Oil Plus Tax Epires 4/22 Lube, Oil & Filter Service $2995 COLPON Includes FREE 27-PI. Inspection Includes FREE battery check Most cars and light trucks Up to 5 qts. oil With this ad and scheduled appointment Expires 4/3022 TIRE CHANGEOVER TIME Call for your appointment today! WE SELL ALL BRANDS VERMONT STATE INSPECTION $10 OFF BLUE 4 WITH COLPON REPAIRS EXTRA Expires 4/30/22 YOU ARE DUE --- -- 1-802-748-2209 Linitone efter per customer per scheduled vist. OFFERS GO00 WITH TS AD UNTIL 4/30/22 May not be combined with other etters. SERVICE HOURS: MON.-FRI., 7:30-5:00 QUALITY MITSUBISHI $ SUZUKI SERVICE 1-91 EXIT 22 ROUTE5 ST. JOHNSBURY, VT CENTER FemE Dai Ct Servi er. Ns P. Sere Manapr KNman Servi FREE IN-TOWN PICK-UP & DELIVERY WE SELL TIRES! Oil Change Purchase 4 Oil Changes Get the 5" Öne FREE! SYNTHETIC OIL CHANGE NOW $5995 Up to 5 Quarts of Oil Plus Tax Epires 4/22 Lube, Oil & Filter Service $2995 COLPON Includes FREE 27-PI. Inspection Includes FREE battery check Most cars and light trucks Up to 5 qts. oil With this ad and scheduled appointment Expires 4/3022 TIRE CHANGEOVER TIME Call for your appointment today! WE SELL ALL BRANDS VERMONT STATE INSPECTION $10 OFF BLUE 4 WITH COLPON REPAIRS EXTRA Expires 4/30/22 YOU ARE DUE --- -- 1-802-748-2209 Linitone efter per customer per scheduled vist. OFFERS GO00 WITH TS AD UNTIL 4/30/22 May not be combined with other etters. SERVICE HOURS: MON.-FRI., 7:30-5:00