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    October 1, 2018
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ST. JOHNSBURY WOMANS CLUB will meet Tues, Oct. 2 at 1pm at the History &Heritage Center on Summer Street for a tour with Peggy Pearl. Note change of time and venue. Meeting and light refreshments to follow Area women welcome. Call Sylvia at 427-3255 for more information. EUROPEAN COFFEE HOUR-NEK Syle, Od. 5,1-4pm at West Barnet Pres- byterian Church. Assorted sandwiches, veggies, fruit, pastries and bever. ages. $10/person. Benefits the church. TWO DAY BOOK SALE-Lyndon Municipal Bldg., 119 Park St., Lyndonville Fri., Oet, 5, 12-6pm, AND Sat., Oct, 6, 9am-1pm. Huge selection! Benefits Cobleigh Library and the Bookmobile. ALL YOU CAN EAT BREAKFAST at the Loke View Grange in W, Banet on Oct. 13 from 8-10am. Bacon, sausoge, scrambled eggs, pancokes with real mople syrup, home fries, toast, juice, coffee or tea. 4770 Garland Hill Road, West Bamet, VT 05821. Enjoy breakfast with us, the kids,your family, or a loved one. Seniors $7, Adults $8, Kids $4, Under 5 Free. FALL COVERED DISH SUPPER Oct. 6, at 5:30pm, Lyndonville United Methodist Church. Homemade hot dishes, salads, and pies. By donation. BURKE SENIOR MEALSITE Odtober Menu- 10/1: Chicken Parmesan & Cronberry coke. 10/3: Pot Roast &Chocolate Cake. COUNTRY JAM- Sun., Ocd.21 from 1-4pm located at the West Burke Sen- ior Mealsite. $3 donation at the door, lunch and prizes. Come join the FUNI HUGE BOOK SALE Oct. 5, 12-6pm, Lyndon Municipal Bldg., 119 Park Ave. Benefits Cobleigh Librory& Bookmobile. This space provided complimens ef: Wealth Managemernt TO PUT YOUR NOTICE IN THIS SPACE FOR NON-PROFIT EVENTS, MAIL YOUR COPY TO NFP, BOX 4509, ST. JOHNSBURY, VT 05819, E-MAILADDRESS: infos PLEASE LIMIT TO 35 WORDS OR LESS. SORRY, NO PHONE CALLS NOTICES MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE THURSDAY PRIOR TO MONDAY INSERTION. KCS THRIFT SHOP HUGE CLOTHING SALE!! Steeple Place, St. Johrsbury behind St. John's Church) $1.00/Bog. Open Tuesday &Thursday 1-4pm and Sat, 10am-Noon, Starts Tues, Oct. 2 thru Tues., Oct. 30. Clothing for everyonel DANVILLE SENIOR MEALSITE-Tues., Oct. 2: Garden meatloof, dirty po tatoes, peas & carrots, wheat rolls& tropical fruit salod. Thurs., Oct. 4: Cheese or pepperoni pizzo, spinach salad, pineopple rings, kiwi,& mandarin oranges. NEK YOUTH SERVICES ANNUAL WALK to support homeless youth and young adults will be held Sat., Oct.13. Registration at 9am, walk begins at 10am, at United Community Church, St. Johnsbury. FMI: 802-748-8732. W. BARNET SENIOR MEALSITE-Wed., Od. 3: Corn chowder, ham salod sandwich, picles, tropical fruit & cookies. Fri., Oct. 5: Closed for Fall Fo- liage Celebration. 15TH ANNUAL RUBBER DUCKY DERBY at Ben's Mill in Barnet, VT Sat Oct. 6.Ducks swim at 11am. Multiple prizes, food tent by Bamet Trail Blaz- ers. Kids table, hand pressed apple cider made while you watch (or maybe helpl. Free ducky chow roffe, another planter raffle $1 each or 6 for $5. Rent a duck for $5 or buy a quack pack of 5 for $20. FM: Lois at 603-653 3046. ANNUAL HAM SUPPER - Suton Free Will Baptist Church, Oct. 6, from 5- 7pm in the Sutton School Multi-Purpose Room. LGBT 24/7 YOUTH SUICIDE HOTLINE-1-866-488-7386; part of the Trevor Project, always free and confidential ST. JOHNSBURY HISTORY&HERITAGE CENTER-Celebroting the town's rich legacy, the Center exhibits, preserves, and teaches history to all oges. Come see our newest exhibit on WW! Foll and winter hours: Monday- Wednesday, 10am-4pm, October through May. Located at 421 Summer St. St. Johnsbury, 1802-424-1090). Visit www.sthistor org to find special arti- cles and events