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  • Published Date

    February 28, 2022
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WEST BARNET SENIOR MEAL SITE - Wed., Mar. 2: Meat- loaf, mashed potatoes, peas & carrots, salad, homemade bread, tropical fruit. Fri, Mar. 4: Buffet (assorted meats, salods, veggie & desserts). In-house dining resumes Wed., Mar. 2 at 11:30am. Pre-ordered meals are required. Jane 603-638-4002 or Jan 802-535-7860. If you are unable to pre-order prior to Wed, or Fri, morning. please call the Meal Site 802-633-4068 before 9.30am. BURKE MEAL SITE-Mon., Feb. 28: Chicken creole, rice, peas, butterscotch pudding. Wed., Mar. 2: Chop suey, broccoli, roll. chocolate chip cookie. Fri., Mar. 4: Tuna noodle cosserole, cor- rots, Jel-O with fruit, Menu items Subject to Change Without Notice DANVILLE MEAL SITE - Tue., Mar. 1: Chicken marsala, scal- loped pototoes, soutéed greens, lentil vegetoble soup, contaloupe. Thurs., Mar. 3: Shepherd's pie, moshed potato, peos & corrots, 3 bean vegetable soup, mondarin oranges. Menus subject to change. Optional scrambled eggs entrée on request. Meals served with homemade whole wheot bread. Coll by 9:30am the morning of a meal to order "toke out". ON TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS, the dining room will be ovoilable for eoting your takeout order. DARLING INN SENIOR MEAL SITE- Mon., Feb. 28: Sweet & sour meotballs over rice, Col. blend veggie, roll, fruit, Mondarin or ange pudding. Donations are crucial to our program- 60+ is a suggested donation of $4.00, under 60 is a fee of $6.00, Please donate what you con JOIN THE SUMMERTIME MARCHING BAND! All are welcome. Flog bearers and wheelchoir musicions, too. Reheorsals one Sun- day a month ot 6pm. For details coll: 603-638-4903 or 603-307- 9744, See us on Focebook, ---- LYNDON AREA FOOD SHELF-Elm St, Lyndonville, is still open every Wednesday at 10om for pre-bogged groceries to onyone in our orea! Questions to Deb: 626-5586. KINGDOM COMMUNITY SERVICES FOOD SHELF ot 36 Stee- ple Place, St. Johnsbury is open Tues. ond Thurs. noon to 3:45, 802-751-8581. We ore using oll necessary precoutions ogoinst COVID19. ST. JOHNSBURY ATHENAEUM - Open for business Library & Gollery Monday-Friday 10om-Spm, Soturday 10am-3pm and Closed Sundays. FMI: ST. JOHNSBURY HISTORY & HERITAGE CENTER - Locoted at 421 Summer St., St. Johnsbury, VT (802-424-1090), New exhibits on the suffroge movement and prominent local women. Fall/win- ter hours: Mon.-Wed., 10om-4pm, Oct. Sth - May 1. Visit www. This paor proided compliaran of ONFP Benefits Insurance Woalth Management TO PUT TOUR NOTICE IN THIS SPACE FOR NON-PROFIT EVENTS, MAIL YOER COPT TO: NFP, BOX 45, ST. JOHNSBURY, VT SSI9, EMAIL ADDRESS PLEASE LIMIT TO 35 WORDS OR LESS. SORRY, NO PHONE CALLS NOTICES MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE THURSDAY PRIOR TO MONDAY INSERTION. GOOD LIVING SENIOR CENTER IN ST. JOHNSBURY - We ore open !! Please join in on the fun. Monday, 1-3pm - Bingo with refreshments. Tuesday and Friday, 9om - Arthritis Exercise Group. Wednesday, 1pm - Cribboge. Thursday, 1-3pm - Just Havin' Fun musical group, LEARN TO SQUARE DANCE-Wednesdays 7-9pm, Lyndonville. You will learn moderm western style square dancing that allows more variety thon trodtionol squore dance. Great octivity to ex ercise the body and brain. Call 626-3670 or 467-8621 for info. * ***** FAITH IN ACTION FOOD BANK - ot 101 Main St., Lyndon- ville will be opened Thursday's ONLY from 10am-Spm, B02-626- 1212. All ore welcome. FREE COMMUNITY SUPPER - Served to the public every next to the last Tuesday of the month. 5-6pm, St. John's Church Hal, Main St., St. Johnsbury. All ore welcome. ST. JOHNSBURY'S HOUSING COMMITTEE meets the 2nd Fri- day of eoch month ot 12:30pm. The meetings are currently on the 20oom platform. The mission of this community-run committee is "to support economic growth by improving fthe over-oll quality of residentiol ond commercial properties in Si. Johnsbury." This com. mitee hos been meeting confinuously since the Community Visit in 2015. We wekome community members to participete. Pleose contoct Joe Kasprzek at the St. Johnsbury Town Office for the zoom link. AMERICAN LEGION POST 30 KARAOKE -Fri, Mor. 4, 7pm. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF BARNET-Come worship with us ot 10om on Sundays. All ore wecome! Children's Sunday School storts bock on Morch 6 during weekly worship. Find out more of or on Focebook. 10 ANNUAL VETERANS SUMMIT hosted by Northern Vermont University, will take ploce on Fri, June 3 ot NVU Lyndon. This ... ...... event brings veterans, their families, and veteran service organizations together to build relationships, strength- en connections, and foster an enhanced support network in Vermont and beyond. This yeor's event will feature a keynote by award-winning outhor and filmmoker Sebestion Junger. FMI and to register by Mar. 31 reoch out to Kristen Easton at Veterons 802-825-4389. WEST BARNET SENIOR MEAL SITE - Wed., Mar. 2: Meat- loaf, mashed potatoes, peas & carrots, salad, homemade bread, tropical fruit. Fri, Mar. 4: Buffet (assorted meats, salods, veggie & desserts). In-house dining resumes Wed., Mar. 2 at 11:30am. Pre-ordered meals are required. Jane 603-638-4002 or Jan 802-535-7860. If you are unable to pre-order prior to Wed, or Fri, morning. please call the Meal Site 802-633-4068 before 9.30am. BURKE MEAL SITE-Mon., Feb. 28: Chicken creole, rice, peas, butterscotch pudding. Wed., Mar. 2: Chop suey, broccoli, roll. chocolate chip cookie. Fri., Mar. 4: Tuna noodle cosserole, cor- rots, Jel-O with fruit, Menu items Subject to Change Without Notice DANVILLE MEAL SITE - Tue., Mar. 1: Chicken marsala, scal- loped pototoes, soutéed greens, lentil vegetoble soup, contaloupe. Thurs., Mar. 3: Shepherd's pie, moshed potato, peos & corrots, 3 bean vegetable soup, mondarin oranges. Menus subject to change. Optional scrambled eggs entrée on request. Meals served with homemade whole wheot bread. Coll by 9:30am the morning of a meal to order "toke out". ON TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS, the dining room will be ovoilable for eoting your takeout order. DARLING INN SENIOR MEAL SITE- Mon., Feb. 28: Sweet & sour meotballs over rice, Col. blend veggie, roll, fruit, Mondarin or ange pudding. Donations are crucial to our program- 60+ is a suggested donation of $4.00, under 60 is a fee of $6.00, Please donate what you con JOIN THE SUMMERTIME MARCHING BAND! All are welcome. Flog bearers and wheelchoir musicions, too. Reheorsals one Sun- day a month ot 6pm. For details coll: 603-638-4903 or 603-307- 9744, See us on Focebook, ---- LYNDON AREA FOOD SHELF-Elm St, Lyndonville, is still open every Wednesday at 10om for pre-bogged groceries to onyone in our orea! Questions to Deb: 626-5586. KINGDOM COMMUNITY SERVICES FOOD SHELF ot 36 Stee- ple Place, St. Johnsbury is open Tues. ond Thurs. noon to 3:45, 802-751-8581. We ore using oll necessary precoutions ogoinst COVID19. ST. JOHNSBURY ATHENAEUM - Open for business Library & Gollery Monday-Friday 10om-Spm, Soturday 10am-3pm and Closed Sundays. FMI: ST. JOHNSBURY HISTORY & HERITAGE CENTER - Locoted at 421 Summer St., St. Johnsbury, VT (802-424-1090), New exhibits on the suffroge movement and prominent local women. Fall/win- ter hours: Mon.-Wed., 10om-4pm, Oct. Sth - May 1. Visit www. This paor proided compliaran of ONFP Benefits Insurance Woalth Management TO PUT TOUR NOTICE IN THIS SPACE FOR NON-PROFIT EVENTS, MAIL YOER COPT TO: NFP, BOX 45, ST. JOHNSBURY, VT SSI9, EMAIL ADDRESS PLEASE LIMIT TO 35 WORDS OR LESS. SORRY, NO PHONE CALLS NOTICES MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE THURSDAY PRIOR TO MONDAY INSERTION. GOOD LIVING SENIOR CENTER IN ST. JOHNSBURY - We ore open !! Please join in on the fun. Monday, 1-3pm - Bingo with refreshments. Tuesday and Friday, 9om - Arthritis Exercise Group. Wednesday, 1pm - Cribboge. Thursday, 1-3pm - Just Havin' Fun musical group, LEARN TO SQUARE DANCE-Wednesdays 7-9pm, Lyndonville. You will learn moderm western style square dancing that allows more variety thon trodtionol squore dance. Great octivity to ex ercise the body and brain. Call 626-3670 or 467-8621 for info. * ***** FAITH IN ACTION FOOD BANK - ot 101 Main St., Lyndon- ville will be opened Thursday's ONLY from 10am-Spm, B02-626- 1212. All ore welcome. FREE COMMUNITY SUPPER - Served to the public every next to the last Tuesday of the month. 5-6pm, St. John's Church Hal, Main St., St. Johnsbury. All ore welcome. ST. JOHNSBURY'S HOUSING COMMITTEE meets the 2nd Fri- day of eoch month ot 12:30pm. The meetings are currently on the 20oom platform. The mission of this community-run committee is "to support economic growth by improving fthe over-oll quality of residentiol ond commercial properties in Si. Johnsbury." This com. mitee hos been meeting confinuously since the Community Visit in 2015. We wekome community members to participete. Pleose contoct Joe Kasprzek at the St. Johnsbury Town Office for the zoom link. AMERICAN LEGION POST 30 KARAOKE -Fri, Mor. 4, 7pm. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF BARNET-Come worship with us ot 10om on Sundays. All ore wecome! Children's Sunday School storts bock on Morch 6 during weekly worship. Find out more of or on Focebook. 10 ANNUAL VETERANS SUMMIT hosted by Northern Vermont University, will take ploce on Fri, June 3 ot NVU Lyndon. This ... ...... event brings veterans, their families, and veteran service organizations together to build relationships, strength- en connections, and foster an enhanced support network in Vermont and beyond. This yeor's event will feature a keynote by award-winning outhor and filmmoker Sebestion Junger. FMI and to register by Mar. 31 reoch out to Kristen Easton at Veterons 802-825-4389.

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