WEST BARNET SENIOR MEAL SITE - Wed., Apr. 20: Salm- on pea wiggle on soltines, solod, homemode roll, corrot coke. Fri, Apr. 22: THE BOYZ e 10:30am. Baked chicken, scol- loped potato, Cali veggies, salad, cranberry sauce, homemode bread, strowberry shortcoke. TAKE-OUTS: PRE-ORDERS ARE REQUIRED. Serving time at 11:30om. Pick-up 11:00 AM-12 Noon. Make pre-orders by colling Jane 603-638-4002. If you are unoble to pre-order prior to Wed. or Fri., please coll the Meal Site 802-633-4068 before 9:30am. Suggested donation 54 (55 under oge 60). BURKE MEAL SITE- Men., Apr. 18: Meotloof, moshed pota- toes, beets, butterscolch pudding. Wed., Apr. 20: Turkey salod wrop, corrot raisin selad, chocolate chip cookies. Fri, Apr. 22: Shepherd's pie, peos ond corrots, baonono. Menu items ore subject to change without nofice. Please cortoct the Meal Site for a "to go meol" by 9am. DANVILLE MEAL SITE - Tue., Apr. 19: Roost pork/sweet pep- per/cobboge cosserole, scolloped potatoes, couliflower & corrots, lentil soup, contoloupe. Thurs., Apr. 21: Hungorion goulosh. whole wheet noodles, spinach, beet soup, tropical fruit salod. Menus subject to chonge. Optional scrombled eggs entrée on re- quest. Meols served with homemode whole wheot breod. Coll by 9:30cm the morning of a meal to order "Take out", Please call for status ef onsite dining. DARLING INN SENIOR MEAL SITE - Mon., Apr. 18: White chicken chili, goric breod, coleslaw, Topioco pudding. Tue, Apr. 19: Turkey dinner, moshed pototo, grovy, stuffing, squosh, cran- berry souce, rolls, coconut pie, w/topping. Wed., Apr. 20: Pork chops w/gravy, moshed pototo, corrots, opplesouce, rolls, Jell-o w/topping. Thurs., Apr. 21: Sousoge w/broccoli cosserole, gorlic bread, coleslow, Mandarin orange pudding. Fri, Apr. 22: Boiled dinner w/comed beef, cobboge, corrots, polato, rolls, Jell-o coke. Pleose make reservotions by 10am. FMI call 802-626-8700 or darlingsmeglsagmoil.com. MEALS ON WHEEL, ST. J- Mon., Apr 18: Broccoli quiche, beets, roll, Jel-O whut. Tue, Apr. 19: Shepherds pie, peos & carrots, breod, choc. chip cookies. Wed, Apr 20: Bologne/cheese sondwich, pototo solod, V.8 Juice, fresh oronge. Thurs,, April 21: Liver & onions, moshed pototoes, squosh, pineopple. Fri., Apr. 22: Pulled pork sandwich, coleslow, wotermelon. Suggested dona- tion of $3.50/person. FMI coll 802-748-5467. YARD SALE & BAKE SALE- Sot., April 30, Americon Legion, Mople St., St A Bom-2pm. Sponsored by Americon legion Auxilia- D Proceeds for our Veterans end fomilies ONFP gmet The par previded complimen Benefits Insurance TO PET YOUR NOTICE IN FRIS SPACE FOR NON-PROFIT EVENTS, MAIL FOER COPF TO NEF. BOX 4, ST JORNSBURY, VT eR. EMAIL ADDRESS latpleda .m PLEASE LIMIT TO S WORDS OR LESS, SORRY. NO PHONE CALLA NOTICES MEST BE RECEIVED BY THE THERSDAY PRIOR TO MONDAY INSERTION GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL is holding their annual gala and auction on Sot., April 30 at St. Johnsbury Distillery on Eostern A enue beginning at ópm. Tickets ore available at the school and the Distillery. The cost is $50 per person and includes live music, cosh prizes, olong with Howoion Luou inspired food. FAITH IN ACTION FOOD BANK - ot 101 Moin St, Lyndon- ville will be opened Thursday's ONLY from 10om-Spm, 802-626- 1212. All ore welcome SUNDAY SCHOOL/VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL- Free BBQ ond gomes. April 24h. Join us for Sunday service ot 10 followed by BBQ ond games ot 11:30. Lyndonville United Methodist Church. Bring your children ond grondchildren end leom about our Sum- mer Vocation Bible School E JOHNSBURY'S HOUSING COMMITTEE meets the 2nd Fri ST. day of each month ot 12:30pm. The meetings ore currently on the zoom platform. The mission of this community-run commitee is lo support economic growth by improving the over-oll quality of residential ond commercial properties in S. Johrsbury." This com mitee has been meefing confinuously since fhe Community Visit in 2015. We wekcome community members to participote. Pleose contoct Joe Kosprzok of the S. Johnsbury Town Office for the 2oom link. NOTICE: RETIRED TEACHERS - The Coledonio & S. Essex Re- tired Teachers will meet ot 11:30am on April 26th at the Lyndon Center Bopfist Church locross from Lyndon Institute). Masks will be required inside. Lunch (S12) will be provided ot Noon. Corlene Godopee will present: Frost on the Ridge: Frost Ploce. We ore sill lecting non-perishoble foods for the local food Shell. Collers will be colling you to register for lunch. If you are not on our coll list, contoct Kathy Joslin ot 802-695-2916. We hope you con ot tend ANNUAL CLOTHING GIVEAWAY will be held on Friday, April 22 from 3-7pm for Barmet residents only Soturday and Sunday April 23 & 24 from 9om-4pm for EVERYONE ot the Bornet Church Any 37, please coll Joyce ot 802-748-1374. HOPE, LYNDONVILLE - Free use of prom dresses. Stop in ot HOPE. Need of home for bridesmaid/wedding dresses. Donete to OPENING DAY FOR OUTDOOR PICKLEBALL AT POWERS PARK - Wil be on Sot. Moy 7, weather permiting. Future days and times TBD. Adult loge 16 ond up) round robin doubles play All abilities welcome. Drop in from 8-11 om. Sneakers required. Some poddles ond bolls ovailoble. FMI contact MJ Miler 802-274.0905. WEST BARNET SENIOR MEAL SITE - Wed., Apr. 20: Salm- on pea wiggle on soltines, solod, homemode roll, corrot coke. Fri, Apr. 22: THE BOYZ e 10:30am. Baked chicken, scol- loped potato, Cali veggies, salad, cranberry sauce, homemode bread, strowberry shortcoke. TAKE-OUTS: PRE-ORDERS ARE REQUIRED. Serving time at 11:30om. Pick-up 11:00 AM-12 Noon. Make pre-orders by colling Jane 603-638-4002. If you are unoble to pre-order prior to Wed. or Fri., please coll the Meal Site 802-633-4068 before 9:30am. Suggested donation 54 (55 under oge 60). BURKE MEAL SITE- Men., Apr. 18: Meotloof, moshed pota- toes, beets, butterscolch pudding. Wed., Apr. 20: Turkey salod wrop, corrot raisin selad, chocolate chip cookies. Fri, Apr. 22: Shepherd's pie, peos ond corrots, baonono. Menu items ore subject to change without nofice. Please cortoct the Meal Site for a "to go meol" by 9am. DANVILLE MEAL SITE - Tue., Apr. 19: Roost pork/sweet pep- per/cobboge cosserole, scolloped potatoes, couliflower & corrots, lentil soup, contoloupe. Thurs., Apr. 21: Hungorion goulosh. whole wheet noodles, spinach, beet soup, tropical fruit salod. Menus subject to chonge. Optional scrombled eggs entrée on re- quest. Meols served with homemode whole wheot breod. Coll by 9:30cm the morning of a meal to order "Take out", Please call for status ef onsite dining. DARLING INN SENIOR MEAL SITE - Mon., Apr. 18: White chicken chili, goric breod, coleslaw, Topioco pudding. Tue, Apr. 19: Turkey dinner, moshed pototo, grovy, stuffing, squosh, cran- berry souce, rolls, coconut pie, w/topping. Wed., Apr. 20: Pork chops w/gravy, moshed pototo, corrots, opplesouce, rolls, Jell-o w/topping. Thurs., Apr. 21: Sousoge w/broccoli cosserole, gorlic bread, coleslow, Mandarin orange pudding. Fri, Apr. 22: Boiled dinner w/comed beef, cobboge, corrots, polato, rolls, Jell-o coke. Pleose make reservotions by 10am. FMI call 802-626-8700 or darlingsmeglsagmoil.com. MEALS ON WHEEL, ST. J- Mon., Apr 18: Broccoli quiche, beets, roll, Jel-O whut. Tue, Apr. 19: Shepherds pie, peos & carrots, breod, choc. chip cookies. Wed, Apr 20: Bologne/cheese sondwich, pototo solod, V.8 Juice, fresh oronge. Thurs,, April 21: Liver & onions, moshed pototoes, squosh, pineopple. Fri., Apr. 22: Pulled pork sandwich, coleslow, wotermelon. Suggested dona- tion of $3.50/person. FMI coll 802-748-5467. YARD SALE & BAKE SALE- Sot., April 30, Americon Legion, Mople St., St A Bom-2pm. Sponsored by Americon legion Auxilia- D Proceeds for our Veterans end fomilies ONFP gmet The par previded complimen Benefits Insurance TO PET YOUR NOTICE IN FRIS SPACE FOR NON-PROFIT EVENTS, MAIL FOER COPF TO NEF. BOX 4, ST JORNSBURY, VT eR. EMAIL ADDRESS latpleda .m PLEASE LIMIT TO S WORDS OR LESS, SORRY. NO PHONE CALLA NOTICES MEST BE RECEIVED BY THE THERSDAY PRIOR TO MONDAY INSERTION GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL is holding their annual gala and auction on Sot., April 30 at St. Johnsbury Distillery on Eostern A enue beginning at ópm. Tickets ore available at the school and the Distillery. The cost is $50 per person and includes live music, cosh prizes, olong with Howoion Luou inspired food. FAITH IN ACTION FOOD BANK - ot 101 Moin St, Lyndon- ville will be opened Thursday's ONLY from 10om-Spm, 802-626- 1212. All ore welcome SUNDAY SCHOOL/VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL- Free BBQ ond gomes. April 24h. Join us for Sunday service ot 10 followed by BBQ ond games ot 11:30. Lyndonville United Methodist Church. Bring your children ond grondchildren end leom about our Sum- mer Vocation Bible School E JOHNSBURY'S HOUSING COMMITTEE meets the 2nd Fri ST. day of each month ot 12:30pm. The meetings ore currently on the zoom platform. The mission of this community-run commitee is lo support economic growth by improving the over-oll quality of residential ond commercial properties in S. Johrsbury." This com mitee has been meefing confinuously since fhe Community Visit in 2015. We wekcome community members to participote. Pleose contoct Joe Kosprzok of the S. Johnsbury Town Office for the 2oom link. NOTICE: RETIRED TEACHERS - The Coledonio & S. Essex Re- tired Teachers will meet ot 11:30am on April 26th at the Lyndon Center Bopfist Church locross from Lyndon Institute). Masks will be required inside. Lunch (S12) will be provided ot Noon. Corlene Godopee will present: Frost on the Ridge: Frost Ploce. We ore sill lecting non-perishoble foods for the local food Shell. Collers will be colling you to register for lunch. If you are not on our coll list, contoct Kathy Joslin ot 802-695-2916. We hope you con ot tend ANNUAL CLOTHING GIVEAWAY will be held on Friday, April 22 from 3-7pm for Barmet residents only Soturday and Sunday April 23 & 24 from 9om-4pm for EVERYONE ot the Bornet Church Any 37, please coll Joyce ot 802-748-1374. HOPE, LYNDONVILLE - Free use of prom dresses. Stop in ot HOPE. Need of home for bridesmaid/wedding dresses. Donete to OPENING DAY FOR OUTDOOR PICKLEBALL AT POWERS PARK - Wil be on Sot. Moy 7, weather permiting. Future days and times TBD. Adult loge 16 ond up) round robin doubles play All abilities welcome. Drop in from 8-11 om. Sneakers required. Some poddles ond bolls ovailoble. FMI contact MJ Miler 802-274.0905.