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  • Published Date

    March 28, 2022
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link. o . WEST BARNET SENIOR MEAL SITE - Wed., Mar. 30: Turkey rice bake, carots, salod, homemade bread, peaches & creom. Fri, Apr. 1: Chicken lasogna, green beans, salod, homemode roll, fruit cobbler. If in-house dining is reinstated serving ot 11:30am. Sugested donations S4. FM coll 603-638-4002 BURKE MEAL SITE- Mon., Mar. 28: Mocoroni with hom, broc coli, corrot coke cupcokes. Wed., Mar. 30: Pork chops, scolloped potatoes, peas & carrots, Jell-O with fruit. Fri., Apr. 1: Tuna melt, roosted sweet potatoes, cole slaw and snicker doodles. All Menu Ihems ore subiect to change without notice. DANVILLE MEAL SITE - Tue., Mar. 29: Chili con corne, brown rice, kele, butternut squosh soup, com bread, peoch melbe. Thurs., Mar. 31: Solmon cokes/tortor souce, sweet potato fries, mived Colifornia vegetobles, clom chowder, chocolate mousse. Menus subject to change. Optional scrambled eggs entrée on re- quest. Meals served with homemode whole wheot breod. Coll by 9:30am the morning of o meal to order "toke out". ON TUES- DAYS AND THURSDAYS, the dining room wil be ovoiloble for your tokeout order gong DARLING INN SENIOR MEAL SITE - Mon., Mar. 28: Pork chops, mashed potato, stuffing, gravy, opplesouce, roll, green beans, Mandarin orange pudding Tue., Mar. 29: Beef stew, bis- cuits, coftoge cheese, chocolate chip cookies. Wed., Mar. 30: Mocoroni & cheese, hom, beet solod, roll, buterscolch pudding. Thurs., Mar. 31: Beans & hot dogs, com bread, coleslow, ambro- sia. FMI coll 802-626-8700. DANVILLE TROOP 888 invites ol boys ond girls 11-17 years old to join in on ouldoor, hands-on progrom of ide skils thet help in survivol, cifizership, ond leodership. Visit us on Focebook: Troop 888, Donville, VT. LYNDON AREA FOOD SHELF-Elm St, Lyndonville, is still open every Wednesday at 10am for pre-bogged groceries to anyone in our areol Questions to Deb: 626-5586. KINGDOM COMMUNITY SERVICES FOOD SHELF ot 36 Stee- ple Ploce, St. Johnsbury is open Tues. and Thurs. noon to 3:45. 802-751-8581. We ore using all necessory precoufions ogoinst COVID19. ST. JOHNSBURY ATHENAEUM - Open for business Library & Gollery Monday-Friday 10om-Spm, Solurday 10am-3pm and Closed Sundays. FM: Thi e previde complinen f ONFP Benefts Insurance anagement TO PET YOUR NOTICE IN TNIS SPACE FOR NON PROFIT EVENTS, MAL TOER COPF TO NFF. BOX 4, ST. JOHNSBURY. VT . EMAIL ADDRESS PLEASE LIMIT TO 3 WORDS OR LESS, SORRY, NO PHONE CALLS NOTICES MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE THURSDAY PRIOR TO MONDAY INSERTION. ST. JOHNSBURY HISTORY & HERITAGE CENTER - Located ot 421 Summer St., St. Johnsbury, VT (802-424-1090). New exhibits on the suffroge movement ond prominent locol women. Fol/winter hours: Mon. Wed., 10om-4pm, Oct,5- May 1. Vait wow.atihiatony GOOD LIVING SENIOR CENTER IN ST. JOHNSBURY - We are openll Pleose join in on the fun, Monday, 1-3pm - Bingo with refreshments. Tuesday and Friday. 9om - Arthritis Exercise Group. Wednesday. Ipm - Cribboge. Thursday, 1-3pm Just Hovin' Fun musicol group. LEARN TO SQUARE DANCE -Wednesdays 7-9pm, Lyndonville. You will learn modern westen shyle squore dancing that allows more voriety than troditionol squore donce. Greot octivity to ex ercise the body ond broin. Coll 626-3670 or 467-8621 for info FAITH IN ACTION FOOD BANK- ot 101 Main St, Lyndon- ville will be opened Thursday's ONLY from 10om-Spm, 802-626- 1212. All ore welcome FREE COMMUNITY SUPPER - Served to the public every next to the last Tuesday of the month. 5-6pm, St. John's Church Hell, Main St., St. Johnsbury. All ore welcome. ST. JOHNSBURY'S HOUSING COMMITTEE meets the 2nd Fri- day of eoch month ot 12:30pm. The meetings ore currently on the zoom platform. The mission of this community-run commitee is to support economic growth by improving the over-oll quolity of residential ond commercial properties in S. Johnsbury." This com- mitee has been meefing continuously since the Community Viait in 2015. We welcome community members to porticipote. Please contoct Joe Kosprzok at the St. Johnsbury Town Office for the zoom RETIRED TEACHERS - The Coledonio ond S. Essex Retired Teachers will begin meeting on April 26 (4th Tuesday of the month) at the Lyndon Center Bapfist Church af 11am. "Piecse note that the date in our brochure for April wos incorrect. All other dates ore ok. More information will be provided next month. FMI please coll Kathy Josin at 802-695-2916. ANNUAL CLOTHING GIVEAWAYS donations ore being occept ed on April 1, 8 ond 15 from 3-7pm, Saturdoy, April 2, 9 ond 16 from 9-3 and Sundays, April 3, 10 and 17 trom 1-3 at the Barnet Church Jocross from Library). ANNUAL CLOTHING GIVEAWAYS will be held on Friday. April 22 from 3-7pm for Bomet residents only Soturdoy ond Sundoy. April 23 and 24 from 9-4 for EVERYONE ot the Bornet Church Any 7, please coll Joyce ot 802-748-1374. .. ....... ... KARAOKE -Fridoy, April 1, 7pm, Americon Legion Post 30, Lyn- don. link. o . WEST BARNET SENIOR MEAL SITE - Wed., Mar. 30: Turkey rice bake, carots, salod, homemade bread, peaches & creom. Fri, Apr. 1: Chicken lasogna, green beans, salod, homemode roll, fruit cobbler. If in-house dining is reinstated serving ot 11:30am. Sugested donations S4. FM coll 603-638-4002 BURKE MEAL SITE- Mon., Mar. 28: Mocoroni with hom, broc coli, corrot coke cupcokes. Wed., Mar. 30: Pork chops, scolloped potatoes, peas & carrots, Jell-O with fruit. Fri., Apr. 1: Tuna melt, roosted sweet potatoes, cole slaw and snicker doodles. All Menu Ihems ore subiect to change without notice. DANVILLE MEAL SITE - Tue., Mar. 29: Chili con corne, brown rice, kele, butternut squosh soup, com bread, peoch melbe. Thurs., Mar. 31: Solmon cokes/tortor souce, sweet potato fries, mived Colifornia vegetobles, clom chowder, chocolate mousse. Menus subject to change. Optional scrambled eggs entrée on re- quest. Meals served with homemode whole wheot breod. Coll by 9:30am the morning of o meal to order "toke out". ON TUES- DAYS AND THURSDAYS, the dining room wil be ovoiloble for your tokeout order gong DARLING INN SENIOR MEAL SITE - Mon., Mar. 28: Pork chops, mashed potato, stuffing, gravy, opplesouce, roll, green beans, Mandarin orange pudding Tue., Mar. 29: Beef stew, bis- cuits, coftoge cheese, chocolate chip cookies. Wed., Mar. 30: Mocoroni & cheese, hom, beet solod, roll, buterscolch pudding. Thurs., Mar. 31: Beans & hot dogs, com bread, coleslow, ambro- sia. FMI coll 802-626-8700. DANVILLE TROOP 888 invites ol boys ond girls 11-17 years old to join in on ouldoor, hands-on progrom of ide skils thet help in survivol, cifizership, ond leodership. Visit us on Focebook: Troop 888, Donville, VT. LYNDON AREA FOOD SHELF-Elm St, Lyndonville, is still open every Wednesday at 10am for pre-bogged groceries to anyone in our areol Questions to Deb: 626-5586. KINGDOM COMMUNITY SERVICES FOOD SHELF ot 36 Stee- ple Ploce, St. Johnsbury is open Tues. and Thurs. noon to 3:45. 802-751-8581. We ore using all necessory precoufions ogoinst COVID19. ST. JOHNSBURY ATHENAEUM - Open for business Library & Gollery Monday-Friday 10om-Spm, Solurday 10am-3pm and Closed Sundays. FM: Thi e previde complinen f ONFP Benefts Insurance anagement TO PET YOUR NOTICE IN TNIS SPACE FOR NON PROFIT EVENTS, MAL TOER COPF TO NFF. BOX 4, ST. JOHNSBURY. VT . EMAIL ADDRESS PLEASE LIMIT TO 3 WORDS OR LESS, SORRY, NO PHONE CALLS NOTICES MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE THURSDAY PRIOR TO MONDAY INSERTION. ST. JOHNSBURY HISTORY & HERITAGE CENTER - Located ot 421 Summer St., St. Johnsbury, VT (802-424-1090). New exhibits on the suffroge movement ond prominent locol women. Fol/winter hours: Mon. Wed., 10om-4pm, Oct,5- May 1. Vait wow.atihiatony GOOD LIVING SENIOR CENTER IN ST. JOHNSBURY - We are openll Pleose join in on the fun, Monday, 1-3pm - Bingo with refreshments. Tuesday and Friday. 9om - Arthritis Exercise Group. Wednesday. Ipm - Cribboge. Thursday, 1-3pm Just Hovin' Fun musicol group. LEARN TO SQUARE DANCE -Wednesdays 7-9pm, Lyndonville. You will learn modern westen shyle squore dancing that allows more voriety than troditionol squore donce. Greot octivity to ex ercise the body ond broin. Coll 626-3670 or 467-8621 for info FAITH IN ACTION FOOD BANK- ot 101 Main St, Lyndon- ville will be opened Thursday's ONLY from 10om-Spm, 802-626- 1212. All ore welcome FREE COMMUNITY SUPPER - Served to the public every next to the last Tuesday of the month. 5-6pm, St. John's Church Hell, Main St., St. Johnsbury. All ore welcome. ST. JOHNSBURY'S HOUSING COMMITTEE meets the 2nd Fri- day of eoch month ot 12:30pm. The meetings ore currently on the zoom platform. The mission of this community-run commitee is to support economic growth by improving the over-oll quolity of residential ond commercial properties in S. Johnsbury." This com- mitee has been meefing continuously since the Community Viait in 2015. We welcome community members to porticipote. Please contoct Joe Kosprzok at the St. Johnsbury Town Office for the zoom RETIRED TEACHERS - The Coledonio ond S. Essex Retired Teachers will begin meeting on April 26 (4th Tuesday of the month) at the Lyndon Center Bapfist Church af 11am. "Piecse note that the date in our brochure for April wos incorrect. All other dates ore ok. More information will be provided next month. FMI please coll Kathy Josin at 802-695-2916. ANNUAL CLOTHING GIVEAWAYS donations ore being occept ed on April 1, 8 ond 15 from 3-7pm, Saturdoy, April 2, 9 ond 16 from 9-3 and Sundays, April 3, 10 and 17 trom 1-3 at the Barnet Church Jocross from Library). ANNUAL CLOTHING GIVEAWAYS will be held on Friday. April 22 from 3-7pm for Bomet residents only Soturdoy ond Sundoy. April 23 and 24 from 9-4 for EVERYONE ot the Bornet Church Any 7, please coll Joyce ot 802-748-1374. .. ....... ... KARAOKE -Fridoy, April 1, 7pm, Americon Legion Post 30, Lyn- don.

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