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    March 23, 2022
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ONFP Says .. PREVENTING ICE DAMS ke dams occur when mehed snow on the upper section of the roal refireezen in the gutters and at roof edges. building a "dan" of frean ike and snow. Additional seowmelt builds up against the dam ntil it eventually leaks into a home causing estensive damage. Icides hanging from the roodline of your home may indicate the potential for ice das and ice damage. Fellow these tips to help prevent the problem Avold havinga "varm atti by inulating the atnk fleor. Professional Insulation cempanies can Install the recommended type and thickness. Ilave the contractor check for areas where warm air may be flowing into the attik-areund chimneys, eshaus fans, plumbing and ceiling light fistures If you have had roof leaks, make sere all damaged inulation is replaced. Your attic should have adequate ventilation that provides a centinuous flow of cold air through the attik. Soffie to-ridge vents running along the length of the house are oflen the best solution. The attik temperatuee hould be only a few degrees warmer than the outside air. Keep the area areund drain pipes open se loe will not accumulate. When replacinga reof, check with the contractor about the latest systems to prevent ke dam ONFP Mkasers VTe 0069-1 www.afp.compoules ONFP Says .. PREVENTING ICE DAMS ke dams occur when mehed snow on the upper section of the roal refireezen in the gutters and at roof edges. building a "dan" of frean ike and snow. Additional seowmelt builds up against the dam ntil it eventually leaks into a home causing estensive damage. Icides hanging from the roodline of your home may indicate the potential for ice das and ice damage. Fellow these tips to help prevent the problem Avold havinga "varm atti by inulating the atnk fleor. Professional Insulation cempanies can Install the recommended type and thickness. Ilave the contractor check for areas where warm air may be flowing into the attik-areund chimneys, eshaus fans, plumbing and ceiling light fistures If you have had roof leaks, make sere all damaged inulation is replaced. Your attic should have adequate ventilation that provides a centinuous flow of cold air through the attik. Soffie to-ridge vents running along the length of the house are oflen the best solution. The attik temperatuee hould be only a few degrees warmer than the outside air. Keep the area areund drain pipes open se loe will not accumulate. When replacinga reof, check with the contractor about the latest systems to prevent ke dam ONFP Mkasers VTe 0069-1 www.afp.compoules