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  • Published Date

    March 21, 2022
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WEST BARNET SENIOR MEAL SITE-Wed., Mar. 23: Chipped beef grovy, mashed potatoes, broccoli, salod, homemode bread, pudding. Fri, Mar. 25: Pot roost, moshed potatoes, mixed veg- gies, salod, homemode rol, fruit bor. If in-house dining is rein- stated serving ot 11:30om. Suggested donations $4. FMI call 603-638-4002, BURKE MEAL SITE - Mon, Mar. 21: Meatioaf, moshed pota- toes, green beans, opple souce cake. Wed., Mar. 23: Chicken pot pie with mixed veggies, chocolate pudding. Fri., Mar. 25: Spa- ghetti and meat souce, gorden salod, garlic bread, bonona. All menu items ore subject to chonge withouf nofice. Pleose contoct the meel site by 9am to order a to go meal, lunch is served inhouse ot 12pm. DANVILLE MEAL SITE- Tue, Mar. 22: Pork/noppo cobboge, moshed rutabogo, honey glazed corrots, beet soup, strowberry shortcoke. Thurs, Mar. 24: Souteed chicken/peppers & mush- rooms, roosted sweet pototoes, mushroom borley soup, conto- loupe. Menus subject to chonge. Optional scrombled eggs entrée on request. Meals served with homemode whole wheat bread. Coll by 9:30am the moming of a meol to order "toke out". ON TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS, the dining room will be ovoiloble for eating your tokeout order. DARLING INN SENIOR MEAL SITE - Mon., Mar. 21: Cream of broccoli soup w/egg soled sand., coleslow, frua, chocolate cake w/peanut butter frosting Tue., Mar. 22: Turkey dinner moshed polato, gravy, stuffing squosh, cronberry souce, roll, rospberry squares. Wed., Mar. 23: Boked ziti w/meot souce, garlic bread. coleslaw w/roisins, pineapple upside down coke. Thurs, Mar. 24: Hom & cheese quiche, Brussels sprouts, corn bread, cottoge cheese, whoopee pies. Fri., Mar. 25: Boked hoddock, sweet po- toto, green beans, roll, Jell-O wtopping. FM call 802-626-8700. DANVILLE TROOP 888 invites oll boys ond girs 11-17 yeors old to join in on outdoor, honds-on progrom of life skills thot help in survival, cifizenship, ond leodership Visit us on Focebook: Troop 888, Donville, VT. LYNDON AREA FOOD SHELF-Elm St, Lyndonville, is stil open every Wednesday of 10am for pre-bogged groceries to onyone in our preal Questons to Deb 676-5586. KINGDOM COMMUNITY SERVICES FOOD SHELF ot 36 Stee- ple Ploce, St. kohnsbury is open Tues. and Thurs. noon to 3:45. 802-751-8581. We ore using oll necessory precoutions ogoinst COVID19. ST. JOHNSBURY ATHENAEUM - Open for business Librory & Gollery Mondoy-Friday 10om-5pm, Soturday 10om-3pm ond Closed Sundoys. FM: ONFP The ee preid complime of Benefits Insurance Wealth Management TO PUT YOUR NOTICE IN TRIS SP4CE FOR NON-PROFIT EVENTS, MAIL rOER COPY TO NFF. BOX 45, ST. JORNSBLRY, VT . EMAILADDRESS fpwlnisrne.em PLEASE LIIIT TO WORDS OR LENS, SORRY, NO PHONE CALLS NOTICES MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE THURSDAY PRIOR TO MONDAY INSERTION ST. JOHNSBURY HISTORY & HERITAGE CENTER - Locoted of 421 Summer St., S. Johnsbury, VT (802-424-1090). New exhibits on the suffroge movement ond prominent locol women. Fol/winter hours: Mon. Wed., 10om-4pm, Oct.5- May 1. Vait www.stihistory erg GOOD LIVING SENIOR CENTER IN ST. JOHNSBURY - We are openll Pleose join in on the fun. Monday, 1-3pm - Bingo with refreshments. Tuesday and Friday. 9om - Arthritis Exercise Group. Wednesday. Ipm - Cribboge. Thursday, 1-3pm - Just Hovin' Fun musicol group LEARN TO SQUARE DANCE-Wednesdoys 7-9pm, Lyndonville. You will leorn modern westem style squore dancing that ollows more voriety thon troditionol squore donce. Greot activity to ex ercise the body ond broin. Coll 626-3670 or 467-8621 for info. FAITH IN ACTION FOOD BANK - ot 101 Moin St, Lyndon- ville will be opened Thursday's ONLY from 10om-Spm, s02-626- 1212. All ore welcome PaR OMMUNITY SUPPER-Served to the public every next to FREE the lost Tuesday of the month. 5-6pm, St. John's Church Holl, Main St., St. Johnsbury, All ore welcome. FEATMEeys COMMITTEE meets the Znd Fri ST. day of eoch month ot 12:30pm. The meetings ore ourrently on the 20om platform. The mission of this community-run commitee is "to support economic growth by improving the over-all quality of residential and commercial properties in S Johnsbury." This com- mittee has been meeting continuously since the Community Viait in 2015. We wekome community members to porticipote. Please contoct Joe Kosprzok al the St. Johnsbury Town Office for the 2oom kosprok RETIRED TEACHERS - The Coledonia ond S. Essex Refired Teachers will begin meeting on April 26 (4th Tuesday of the month) ot the Lyndon Center Boptist Church of 1lom. "Please note that the dote in our brochure for April wos incorrect. All ofher dates ore ok. More informotion will be provided next month. FM pleose coll Kothy Joslin ot 802-695-2916 HOUSING .com) 10 ANNUAL VITERANS SUMMIT hosted by Northem Vermont University, will toke ploce on Fri., June 3 of NVU Lyndon. This event brings veterons, their fomilies, ond veteron service organizations together to build relationships, strength- en connections, ond foster on enhanced support network in Vermont and beyond. This year's event will feature a keynote by oword-winning outhor and fimmoker. Sebasion Junger. FM and to register by Mar. 31 reoch out to Kristen Eoston ot Veterons 802-825-4389. ils, ond horpist Elen Gibling to oppeor ot the York Street Meeting House, 153 York St., Lyndon, Morch 31 ot 7pm. Admission: $15 odults; voccinated only: pleose weor mosks. WEST BARNET SENIOR MEAL SITE-Wed., Mar. 23: Chipped beef grovy, mashed potatoes, broccoli, salod, homemode bread, pudding. Fri, Mar. 25: Pot roost, moshed potatoes, mixed veg- gies, salod, homemode rol, fruit bor. If in-house dining is rein- stated serving ot 11:30om. Suggested donations $4. FMI call 603-638-4002, BURKE MEAL SITE - Mon, Mar. 21: Meatioaf, moshed pota- toes, green beans, opple souce cake. Wed., Mar. 23: Chicken pot pie with mixed veggies, chocolate pudding. Fri., Mar. 25: Spa- ghetti and meat souce, gorden salod, garlic bread, bonona. All menu items ore subject to chonge withouf nofice. Pleose contoct the meel site by 9am to order a to go meal, lunch is served inhouse ot 12pm. DANVILLE MEAL SITE- Tue, Mar. 22: Pork/noppo cobboge, moshed rutabogo, honey glazed corrots, beet soup, strowberry shortcoke. Thurs, Mar. 24: Souteed chicken/peppers & mush- rooms, roosted sweet pototoes, mushroom borley soup, conto- loupe. Menus subject to chonge. Optional scrombled eggs entrée on request. Meals served with homemode whole wheat bread. Coll by 9:30am the moming of a meol to order "toke out". ON TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS, the dining room will be ovoiloble for eating your tokeout order. DARLING INN SENIOR MEAL SITE - Mon., Mar. 21: Cream of broccoli soup w/egg soled sand., coleslow, frua, chocolate cake w/peanut butter frosting Tue., Mar. 22: Turkey dinner moshed polato, gravy, stuffing squosh, cronberry souce, roll, rospberry squares. Wed., Mar. 23: Boked ziti w/meot souce, garlic bread. coleslaw w/roisins, pineapple upside down coke. Thurs, Mar. 24: Hom & cheese quiche, Brussels sprouts, corn bread, cottoge cheese, whoopee pies. Fri., Mar. 25: Boked hoddock, sweet po- toto, green beans, roll, Jell-O wtopping. FM call 802-626-8700. DANVILLE TROOP 888 invites oll boys ond girs 11-17 yeors old to join in on outdoor, honds-on progrom of life skills thot help in survival, cifizenship, ond leodership Visit us on Focebook: Troop 888, Donville, VT. LYNDON AREA FOOD SHELF-Elm St, Lyndonville, is stil open every Wednesday of 10am for pre-bogged groceries to onyone in our preal Questons to Deb 676-5586. KINGDOM COMMUNITY SERVICES FOOD SHELF ot 36 Stee- ple Ploce, St. kohnsbury is open Tues. and Thurs. noon to 3:45. 802-751-8581. We ore using oll necessory precoutions ogoinst COVID19. ST. JOHNSBURY ATHENAEUM - Open for business Librory & Gollery Mondoy-Friday 10om-5pm, Soturday 10om-3pm ond Closed Sundoys. FM: ONFP The ee preid complime of Benefits Insurance Wealth Management TO PUT YOUR NOTICE IN TRIS SP4CE FOR NON-PROFIT EVENTS, MAIL rOER COPY TO NFF. BOX 45, ST. JORNSBLRY, VT . EMAILADDRESS fpwlnisrne.em PLEASE LIIIT TO WORDS OR LENS, SORRY, NO PHONE CALLS NOTICES MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE THURSDAY PRIOR TO MONDAY INSERTION ST. JOHNSBURY HISTORY & HERITAGE CENTER - Locoted of 421 Summer St., S. Johnsbury, VT (802-424-1090). New exhibits on the suffroge movement ond prominent locol women. Fol/winter hours: Mon. Wed., 10om-4pm, Oct.5- May 1. Vait www.stihistory erg GOOD LIVING SENIOR CENTER IN ST. JOHNSBURY - We are openll Pleose join in on the fun. Monday, 1-3pm - Bingo with refreshments. Tuesday and Friday. 9om - Arthritis Exercise Group. Wednesday. Ipm - Cribboge. Thursday, 1-3pm - Just Hovin' Fun musicol group LEARN TO SQUARE DANCE-Wednesdoys 7-9pm, Lyndonville. You will leorn modern westem style squore dancing that ollows more voriety thon troditionol squore donce. Greot activity to ex ercise the body ond broin. Coll 626-3670 or 467-8621 for info. FAITH IN ACTION FOOD BANK - ot 101 Moin St, Lyndon- ville will be opened Thursday's ONLY from 10om-Spm, s02-626- 1212. All ore welcome PaR OMMUNITY SUPPER-Served to the public every next to FREE the lost Tuesday of the month. 5-6pm, St. John's Church Holl, Main St., St. Johnsbury, All ore welcome. FEATMEeys COMMITTEE meets the Znd Fri ST. day of eoch month ot 12:30pm. The meetings ore ourrently on the 20om platform. The mission of this community-run commitee is "to support economic growth by improving the over-all quality of residential and commercial properties in S Johnsbury." This com- mittee has been meeting continuously since the Community Viait in 2015. We wekome community members to porticipote. Please contoct Joe Kosprzok al the St. Johnsbury Town Office for the 2oom kosprok RETIRED TEACHERS - The Coledonia ond S. Essex Refired Teachers will begin meeting on April 26 (4th Tuesday of the month) ot the Lyndon Center Boptist Church of 1lom. "Please note that the dote in our brochure for April wos incorrect. All ofher dates ore ok. More informotion will be provided next month. FM pleose coll Kothy Joslin ot 802-695-2916 HOUSING .com) 10 ANNUAL VITERANS SUMMIT hosted by Northem Vermont University, will toke ploce on Fri., June 3 of NVU Lyndon. This event brings veterons, their fomilies, ond veteron service organizations together to build relationships, strength- en connections, ond foster on enhanced support network in Vermont and beyond. This year's event will feature a keynote by oword-winning outhor and fimmoker. Sebasion Junger. FM and to register by Mar. 31 reoch out to Kristen Eoston ot Veterons 802-825-4389. ils, ond horpist Elen Gibling to oppeor ot the York Street Meeting House, 153 York St., Lyndon, Morch 31 ot 7pm. Admission: $15 odults; voccinated only: pleose weor mosks.

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