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  • Published Date

    April 25, 2022
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WEST BARNET SENIOR MEAL SITE - Wed., Apr. 27: Beel pot pie (pototoes, corrots, peos), solod, homemode roll, bor cookie. Fri, Apr. 29: Chicken & biscuits, mashed potatoes, peas & corrots, solod, cronberry souce, homemode roll, custord. TAKE-OUTS: PRE-ORDERS ARE REQUIRED. Serving fime at 11:30am, Pick- up 1 lam-Noon. Moke pre-orders by caling Jone 603-638-4002. If you ore unoble to pre-order prior to Wed. or Fri., pleose coll the Meal Sile 802-633-4068 before 9:30am. Suggested donation $4.00 (55.00 under oge 60) BURKE MEAL SITE - Mon, Apr. 25: Baked rigotoni, gorden salod, gorlic breod, blondie with walnuts. Wed., Apr. 27: Solis- bury steok, moshed pototoes, broccoli, opple crisp. Fri., Apr. 29: Teriyaki chicken, roosted pormesan polatoes, cole slaw, oatmeal cookie. Menu items are subject to change without notice. Please contoct the Meal Site for o "to go meal by 9am. DANVILLE MEAL SITE - Tue, Apr. 26: Meat lasogna/whole wheat noodles, Colfomia mixed vegetobles, vegetoble soup, hon- eydew melon. Thurs., Apr. 28: Boked cod with lemon, sweet po- tato fries, broccoli, New England clom chowder, chocolote mousse (ALTERNATE ENTREES TO FISH: Cheese omelet OR chopped sirloin with mushrooms) Menus tubject to change. Optionol serambled eggs entrée on request. Meols served with homemode whole wheot bread. Coll by 9:30om the morning of a meal to order "toke our". Please coll for stotus of onsite dining DARLING INN SENIOR MEAL SITE - Mon., Apr. 25: Chicken & biscuit sweet potato, coleslow, stewed tomatoes, lemon cookies. Tue., Apr. 26: Bocon cheeseburgers wletuce & tomato, potato solod, brownies. Wed., Apr. 27: Mocoroni & cheese, hot dogs. green beans, cottoge cheese, trowberry coke. Thurs., Apr. 28: Shepherd's pie, tropicol beets, cotoge cheese, rolls, fruit compote. Fri., Apr. 29: Spogheti w/meet souce, broccoli, rolls, opplesouce. lemon squores. Please make reservations by 10om. FMI coll 802- 626-8700 or MEALS ON WHEEL, ST. J- Mon., Apr 25: Meatloaf gravy, moshed potatoes, Coli veggie blend, fresh oronges. Tue, Apr. 26: Chicken tenders, pees & corrots, ou grotin potatoes, Jel-o w/mixed fruit. Wed, Apr 27: Boked ham, scollop pototoes, mied veggies, strowberries. Thurs, April 28: Chicken divon, beets, roll, conto- loupe. Fri., Apr. 29: Tuna pea wiggle on crockers, spinach, epri- cots. Suggested donotion of $3.50/person. FMI coll 802.748-5467 ONFP Thi ae prerided cemplimen Benefits Insurance Wealth Management TO PET YOUR NOTICE IN TIS SPACE FOR NON.PROFIT EVENTS, MAIL FOCR coPY TO NFP, BOX 45, ST. JORNSBERY, VT, E-MAIL ADDRESS fo PLEASE LIMIT TO 35 WORDS OR LESS. SORRY, NO PHONE CALLS NOTICES MEST BE RECEIVED BY THE THURSDAY PRIOR TO MONDAY INSERTION. ST. JOHNSBURY FREE COMMUNITY LUNCH - Every Mon- day (except Holidays 1lam-12:15pm ot Groce United Methodist Church on Central St. Dine in or toke out. YARD SALE & BAKE SALE- Sot., April 30, Americon Legion, Mople St., St. J, 8om-2pm. Sponsored by Americon Legion Auxilo- ry Proceeds for our Veterans and fomilies GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL is holding their annual gala and auction on Sot., April 30 ot St. Johnsbury Distillery on Eostern Ar enue beginning at 6pm. Tickets gre ovailable ot the school and the Distillery. The cost is $50 per person and includes live music, cosh prizes, along with Howoion Luou inspired food. FAITH IN ACTION FOOD BANK - ot 101 Main St, Lyndon- ville will be opened Thursday's ONLY from 10om-5pm, 802-626- 1212. All ore welcome THE LYNDON AREA FOOD SHELF- Elm St., Lyndonville, is sil open every Wednesday from 10.2. MFl coll Deb @ 802-626-5586 ST. JOHNSBURY'S HOUSING COMMITTEE meets the 2nd Fri- day of eoch month at 12:30pm. The meetings are currently on the z0om platform, The mission of this community-run commitee is lo upport economic growth by improving the over-all quality of residential and commercial properties in St. Johnsbury." This com- mitee hos been meeting confinuously since fhe Community Visit in 2015. We wekome community members to participole. Please contoct Joe Kosprzok ot the St. Johnsbury Town Office for the zoom link. MOTHER'S DAY FOOD/BAKE & CRAFT SALE - May 7 kom 9:30om-1pm. Lyndonville United Methodist Church. Donuts, baked goods, chili, soup, beans and crofts. THE PEACHAM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL is hosting their 2nd an- nuol Community Yord Sole on May 15 from 8-11:30om HOPE, LYNDONVILLE- Free use of prom dresses. Stop in ot HOPE. Need of home for bridesmoid/wedding dresses. Donote to HOPE OPENING DAY FOR OUTDOOR PICKLEBALL AT POWERS PARK - WI be on Sot. May 7, weather permiting. Future days and fimes TBD. Adult (oge 16 ond up) round robin doubles play All abilifies welcome. Drop in from 8-11 om. Sneakers required. Some poddles ond bolls ovailoble. FMI contact MU Miler 802-274.0905. WEST BARNET SENIOR MEAL SITE - Wed., Apr. 27: Beel pot pie (pototoes, corrots, peos), solod, homemode roll, bor cookie. Fri, Apr. 29: Chicken & biscuits, mashed potatoes, peas & corrots, solod, cronberry souce, homemode roll, custord. TAKE-OUTS: PRE-ORDERS ARE REQUIRED. Serving fime at 11:30am, Pick- up 1 lam-Noon. Moke pre-orders by caling Jone 603-638-4002. If you ore unoble to pre-order prior to Wed. or Fri., pleose coll the Meal Sile 802-633-4068 before 9:30am. Suggested donation $4.00 (55.00 under oge 60) BURKE MEAL SITE - Mon, Apr. 25: Baked rigotoni, gorden salod, gorlic breod, blondie with walnuts. Wed., Apr. 27: Solis- bury steok, moshed pototoes, broccoli, opple crisp. Fri., Apr. 29: Teriyaki chicken, roosted pormesan polatoes, cole slaw, oatmeal cookie. Menu items are subject to change without notice. Please contoct the Meal Site for o "to go meal by 9am. DANVILLE MEAL SITE - Tue, Apr. 26: Meat lasogna/whole wheat noodles, Colfomia mixed vegetobles, vegetoble soup, hon- eydew melon. Thurs., Apr. 28: Boked cod with lemon, sweet po- tato fries, broccoli, New England clom chowder, chocolote mousse (ALTERNATE ENTREES TO FISH: Cheese omelet OR chopped sirloin with mushrooms) Menus tubject to change. Optionol serambled eggs entrée on request. Meols served with homemode whole wheot bread. Coll by 9:30om the morning of a meal to order "toke our". Please coll for stotus of onsite dining DARLING INN SENIOR MEAL SITE - Mon., Apr. 25: Chicken & biscuit sweet potato, coleslow, stewed tomatoes, lemon cookies. Tue., Apr. 26: Bocon cheeseburgers wletuce & tomato, potato solod, brownies. Wed., Apr. 27: Mocoroni & cheese, hot dogs. green beans, cottoge cheese, trowberry coke. Thurs., Apr. 28: Shepherd's pie, tropicol beets, cotoge cheese, rolls, fruit compote. Fri., Apr. 29: Spogheti w/meet souce, broccoli, rolls, opplesouce. lemon squores. Please make reservations by 10om. FMI coll 802- 626-8700 or MEALS ON WHEEL, ST. J- Mon., Apr 25: Meatloaf gravy, moshed potatoes, Coli veggie blend, fresh oronges. Tue, Apr. 26: Chicken tenders, pees & corrots, ou grotin potatoes, Jel-o w/mixed fruit. Wed, Apr 27: Boked ham, scollop pototoes, mied veggies, strowberries. Thurs, April 28: Chicken divon, beets, roll, conto- loupe. Fri., Apr. 29: Tuna pea wiggle on crockers, spinach, epri- cots. Suggested donotion of $3.50/person. FMI coll 802.748-5467 ONFP Thi ae prerided cemplimen Benefits Insurance Wealth Management TO PET YOUR NOTICE IN TIS SPACE FOR NON.PROFIT EVENTS, MAIL FOCR coPY TO NFP, BOX 45, ST. JORNSBERY, VT, E-MAIL ADDRESS fo PLEASE LIMIT TO 35 WORDS OR LESS. SORRY, NO PHONE CALLS NOTICES MEST BE RECEIVED BY THE THURSDAY PRIOR TO MONDAY INSERTION. ST. JOHNSBURY FREE COMMUNITY LUNCH - Every Mon- day (except Holidays 1lam-12:15pm ot Groce United Methodist Church on Central St. Dine in or toke out. YARD SALE & BAKE SALE- Sot., April 30, Americon Legion, Mople St., St. J, 8om-2pm. Sponsored by Americon Legion Auxilo- ry Proceeds for our Veterans and fomilies GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL is holding their annual gala and auction on Sot., April 30 ot St. Johnsbury Distillery on Eostern Ar enue beginning at 6pm. Tickets gre ovailable ot the school and the Distillery. The cost is $50 per person and includes live music, cosh prizes, along with Howoion Luou inspired food. FAITH IN ACTION FOOD BANK - ot 101 Main St, Lyndon- ville will be opened Thursday's ONLY from 10om-5pm, 802-626- 1212. All ore welcome THE LYNDON AREA FOOD SHELF- Elm St., Lyndonville, is sil open every Wednesday from 10.2. MFl coll Deb @ 802-626-5586 ST. JOHNSBURY'S HOUSING COMMITTEE meets the 2nd Fri- day of eoch month at 12:30pm. The meetings are currently on the z0om platform, The mission of this community-run commitee is lo upport economic growth by improving the over-all quality of residential and commercial properties in St. Johnsbury." This com- mitee hos been meeting confinuously since fhe Community Visit in 2015. We wekome community members to participole. Please contoct Joe Kosprzok ot the St. Johnsbury Town Office for the zoom link. MOTHER'S DAY FOOD/BAKE & CRAFT SALE - May 7 kom 9:30om-1pm. Lyndonville United Methodist Church. Donuts, baked goods, chili, soup, beans and crofts. THE PEACHAM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL is hosting their 2nd an- nuol Community Yord Sole on May 15 from 8-11:30om HOPE, LYNDONVILLE- Free use of prom dresses. Stop in ot HOPE. Need of home for bridesmoid/wedding dresses. Donote to HOPE OPENING DAY FOR OUTDOOR PICKLEBALL AT POWERS PARK - WI be on Sot. May 7, weather permiting. Future days and fimes TBD. Adult (oge 16 ond up) round robin doubles play All abilifies welcome. Drop in from 8-11 om. Sneakers required. Some poddles ond bolls ovailoble. FMI contact MU Miler 802-274.0905.