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    March 30, 2022
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ONFP Says PROTECTING YOUR IN-HOME BUSINESS Does a homeoer pol ky cover yeur ie home besiness! Homeewner policies wer sever in sended to cover beniness exposeres. quently. overage for the item yeu e in your business sach as computers, fax ma chines, filing cabinets, Conse tools and inventary are imited $2,500 in your home and $250 away from hne under most policies. And your homewner's coverage provide so liabilay ie erance for your heme based busines Depending on yeur beiness, you may be ble to atlach an "ind dental basines e dersement te yeur isting homeowners policy which will coner ather stractures or equipment on yeur premises that yoa ae for business This en dorement can also be tallored teindude your beises liabilty If yeur in-home ba ses does ot qualify for coverage nder the "ie cidental bunine e dersement yo an perchase conerage for voer hone based busi nes ander a bunines wners package policy referred te asa BOR which preides liability and property orerage. In any eveat f you have an in dome busi eand have questions abeut your coverage check with an ageat from NFP INSURANCE te determine which of these comerages is ap propeiate for your in heme beine MMG INSURANCE MAINE MUTUAL ONFP ers VTe www.afp.compoules ONFP Says PROTECTING YOUR IN-HOME BUSINESS Does a homeoer pol ky cover yeur ie home besiness! Homeewner policies wer sever in sended to cover beniness exposeres. quently. overage for the item yeu e in your business sach as computers, fax ma chines, filing cabinets, Conse tools and inventary are imited $2,500 in your home and $250 away from hne under most policies. And your homewner's coverage provide so liabilay ie erance for your heme based busines Depending on yeur beiness, you may be ble to atlach an "ind dental basines e dersement te yeur isting homeowners policy which will coner ather stractures or equipment on yeur premises that yoa ae for business This en dorement can also be tallored teindude your beises liabilty If yeur in-home ba ses does ot qualify for coverage nder the "ie cidental bunine e dersement yo an perchase conerage for voer hone based busi nes ander a bunines wners package policy referred te asa BOR which preides liability and property orerage. In any eveat f you have an in dome busi eand have questions abeut your coverage check with an ageat from NFP INSURANCE te determine which of these comerages is ap propeiate for your in heme beine MMG INSURANCE MAINE MUTUAL ONFP ers VTe www.afp.compoules