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    July 6, 2022
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ONFP Says .. IS IT TIME FOR A PERSONAL CCKUP? Just as your health seeds an annal checkup, se does your inurance program. Although you may net be aware ef it, your financial profile has probably changed ever the past yearts). You may need te adjust your insurance coverage. Following checklist for a "few" items you should consider. For a fall capy of a checklist. call or come in to our effice for a copy is De you ow valuable jewelry or furst Do you own costly sporting equipment or firearmst De you have espensive camera or ocher photography equipmentt De you keep more than S100 cash at homet De you own tools, equipment or intruments ned in your trade er prolessient De you operate an office in your homet De you baby-sit in your homet De yeu use a wood burning stovet De yeu routinely drive automobiles you do not owat De you have rental coverage on your automobile insurance! De you have disability income Inurancet These are just a few of the questions on a personal invurance checklist. If the answer to some, any all of these questions is yes then you should talk te an apent at NFP INSURANCE discess the limitations present te in your insurance. Don't be sarry if a loss dccurs and then you find that your coverage limited or existent. Call todayt is nen- ONFP Mkasers VTe 0060-1 www.afp.compoules ONFP Says .. IS IT TIME FOR A PERSONAL CCKUP? Just as your health seeds an annal checkup, se does your inurance program. Although you may net be aware ef it, your financial profile has probably changed ever the past yearts). You may need te adjust your insurance coverage. Following checklist for a "few" items you should consider. For a fall capy of a checklist. call or come in to our effice for a copy is De you ow valuable jewelry or furst Do you own costly sporting equipment or firearmst De you have espensive camera or ocher photography equipmentt De you keep more than S100 cash at homet De you own tools, equipment or intruments ned in your trade er prolessient De you operate an office in your homet De you baby-sit in your homet De yeu use a wood burning stovet De yeu routinely drive automobiles you do not owat De you have rental coverage on your automobile insurance! De you have disability income Inurancet These are just a few of the questions on a personal invurance checklist. If the answer to some, any all of these questions is yes then you should talk te an apent at NFP INSURANCE discess the limitations present te in your insurance. Don't be sarry if a loss dccurs and then you find that your coverage limited or existent. Call todayt is nen- ONFP Mkasers VTe 0060-1 www.afp.compoules